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Today in Labor History

Jan. 16, 1920
Thousands of Palmer Raids detainees win right to meet with lawyers and attorney representation at deportation hearings. “Palmer” was Alexander Mitchell Palmer, U.S. attorney general under Woodrow Wilson. Palmer believed Communism was “eating its way into the homes of the American workman,” and Socialists were causing most of the country’s social problems. ~ Labor Tribune

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Updated: Jan. 16 (16:04)

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General Membership Meeting
Communications Workers of America Local 1120
APWU and USPS Agree to One-Time Retirement Incentive, 'Early Out' for Postal Workers
Youngstown, Ohio Area Local 443
News Items - March 2024
Updated On: Apr 24, 2024

Maryland Teamsters call for passage of House Bill 1447
Mar. 18, 2023 | Members of Teamsters Locals 570, 639, and 922 testified before the Maryland House of Delegates to call for the passage of House Bill 1447 (HB 1447), legislation that would require a human operator in large commercial vehicles. Similar legislation has been introduced in California, Iowa, Indiana, and New York this year. “Autonomous vehicles pose a grave threat to hundreds of thousands of good-paying jobs in Maryland,” said Sean Cedenio, President of Teamsters Joint Council 62. “One in 14 jobs statewide are in trucking, with countless more in the postal service, transit, and other sectors. Workers are the backbone of our supply chain. They pay taxes, patronize small businesses, and support local charities and civic organizations across the state. By passing HB 1447, we can protect Maryland’s families, communities, and economy.” Learn more here.

Teamsters in no rush to endorse following Biden, Trump meetings
Mar. 18, 2023 | The head of the Teamsters union emerged from a meeting with President Joe Biden on Tuesday with warm words for his labor record but said any potential endorsement would be a ways down the road. “Historically the Teamsters union do not make an endorsement until after the respective conventions,” General President Sean O’Brien told reporters at the union’s D.C. headquarters shortly after the roundtable event. “However, this has been a different process. We’ve never had candidates into the building, never had rank-and-file participation.” The union intends to survey rank-and-file members before convening its leadership later this year to issue its endorsement, “most likely after the conventions.” Read more at Politico

Teamsters Local 25 hits back at UPS harassment
Mar. 20, 2024 | Management bullying against UPS Teamsters has consequences – especially when locals aggressively enforce the contract. At this month’s National Grievance Panel, Teamsters Local 25 called the company to the mat for its harassment of a Boston-area shop steward. Details here.

Enroll now for Teamsters Voluntary Income Protection Plan
Mar. 21, 2024 | Open enrollment is happening now a new Teamsters Voluntary Income Protection Plus Plan, available for all dues-paying Teamsters in the U.S. Active members are encouraged to visit to learn more. These new benefits will help provide Teamsters with additional financial protection if they can’t work due to illness, injury, or loss of DOT certification for medical reasons. If you enroll before Monday, March 25, you will have coverage effective on April 1. Details here.

Judge dismisses Yellow's frivolous lawsuit against Teamsters

Mar. 26, 2024 | The Union won a major victory against Yellow Corporation yesterday with the dismissal of the company’s frivolous $137 million-dollar lawsuit by U.S. District Court Judge Julie A. Robinson. The lawsuit, Yellow Corporation et al., v. International Brotherhood of Teamsters et al., was a blatant attempt by Yellow Corp. to undermine the rights of workers and discredit the Teamsters. The union vigorously defended its position and challenged the meritless breach of contract claims filed by Yellow Corp. The court agreed with the union’s position that the lawsuit be dismissed. Learn more here.

Strike and boycott continue as Molson Coors negotiations collapse

Mar. 28, 2024 | Negotiations that included a mediator with Molson Coors broke off on Thursday over the multibillion-dollar beer maker’s refusal to agree to real wage increases for Local 997 Teamsters in a new three-year contract. The company offered just five more cents — on top of its original degrading offer of 99-cent per hour — in its wage proposal to the workers who brew and package its signature beers. Since workers were forced onto the picket line 41 days ago, Molson Coors CEO Gavin Hattersley has been paid more than $5.1 million. Molson Coors is a major sponsor of the NCAA’s March Madness. Teamsters will be out in full force in Dallas-Fort Worth, Detroit, Los Angeles, Boston, and Phoenix, informing and urging the public to boycott Molson Coors products throughout the college basketball tournament. Learn more here.

Teamsters Local 992
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