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Today in Labor History

Feb. 19, 1986
Farm Labor Organizing Committee signs agreement with Campbell Soup Co., ending seven-year boycott. ~ Labor Tribune

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Updated: Feb. 19 (10:04)

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News Items - March 2021
Updated On: Apr 14, 2021

Tell your Senators - Protect our pensions now!
Mar. 2, 2021  | For years we’ve fought for a solution to the looming pension crisis. Thanks to the continued efforts by Teamster members, retirees, and families, the House last week passed the COVID relief bill with a solution to save our pensions. Now we need to push a little bit more: The Senate is scheduled to vote this week, and President Biden has pledged to sign the bill. Take two minutes and send a message to your Senator and help us deliver on the promise to Build Back Stronger.

Biden expected to sign LTL driver pension relief package
Mar. 8, 2021  | Legislation bailing out financially troubled multiemployer pension plans – including a plan covering thousands of employees and retirees from LTL carriers Yellow and ABF Freight – could be signed into law by President Joe Biden as early as this week. The Butch Lewis Pension Plan Relief Act of 2021 was included in the $1.9 trillion COVID-19 rescue package that was approved on Saturday by the U.S. Senate along party lines. Sources contacted by FreightWaves noted that the pension relief portion of the package made it through the Senate relatively unscathed, so it will likely remain intact when it reaches the White House… FreightWaves

Hoffa: House passage of PRO Act will ease union organizing for US workers
Mar. 10, 2021  | Teamsters General President Jim Hoffa on the House’s approval of legislation today that would comprehensively update the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) to benefit workers: “In approving the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act, the House agreed to restore fairness to the economy at a time when the coronavirus pandemic has exacerbated income inequality, stifling the ability of far too many hardworking Americans to earn a decent wage that allows them to support their families…” Full statement at Teamsters\

Teamsters celebrate passage of stimulus bill delivering pension relief
Mar. 11, 2021  | Update: Biden delivers on Teamsters' pension priorities in signing American Rescue Plan The Teamsters are euphoric about the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan (ARP) clearing its final legislative hurdle in the House [yesterday], ensuring more than 1 million U.S. workers and retirees in struggling multiemployer pension plans will receive the nest eggs they were promised while other Americans hit hard by the global pandemic get the help they need.

New on Teamsters Podcast: Promises made - promises kept
Mar. 12, 2021  | Listen to this special edition of the Teamsters Podcast and hear how President Biden and Congress delivered pension relief to more than one million Americans after years of lobbying on the issue by the Teamsters.

Democrats saved union pensions after Hoffa’s long campaign
Mar. 17, 2021  | No one knows better that elections have consequences than labor union leaders, who secured an $83 billion pension-fund bailout in President Joe Biden's American Rescue Plan Act. "Without Joe Biden winning, and we won the two Senate seats in Georgia and we were able to do reconciliation, none of this would’ve happened," James P. Hoffa, the general president of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, said in a telephone interview with NBC News.

Maryland to open vaccine eligibility to Phase 2 in waves starting Tuesday
Mar. 18, 2021  | Beginning Tuesday, vaccinations will be open to all Marylanders 60 and older, who can already preregister for appointments at Maryland’s mass vaccination clinics on the phone or online, reports The Baltimore Sun. The rollout will expand starting March 30 to include all residents over the age of 16 who have underlying medical conditions that increase the risk for severe COVID-19 illness, and on April 13 for anyone 55 and up or who are essential construction, food services, utilities, transportation, financial and IT workers, among other critical industries. By April 27, all Marylanders 16 and older will be eligible.  

Union condemns uptick in violence against Asian-Americans
Mar. 22, 2021  | The Teamsters are condemning the ongoing spate of violence targeting the Asian community since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, which came to a head earlier this week in a series of shootings in the Atlanta area that took the lives of eight people, including six women of Asian descent. “The coronavirus has tested the resolve of the American people,” Teamsters General President Jim Hoffa said. “But it should in no way be used as an excuse for violent actions taken against anyone living in this country, no matter what their background… Continue reading

UPS Freight releases important information about proposed sale
Mar. 23, 2021  | UPS Freight responds to frequently asked questions from Teamsters employees regarding the sale of the company to Montreal-based TFI International. Read it here.

Teamsters Podcast: The 411 on the COVID-19 vaccine
Mar. 26, 2021  | 
Listen to the latest podcast edition to hear how the union’s Safety and Health Department is educating the membership on the need to receive the COVID-19 vaccination.

UPS Freight Update: Pension issues
Mar. 29, 2021  | 
Information has been received from UPS Freight concerning pension issues, reports Kris Taylor, UPS Freight Coordinator, Teamsters Package Division. Read the memo Taylor sent today to all Teamster local unions representing UPS Freight members.


Teamsters Local 992
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