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Today in Labor History

Jan. 16, 1920
Thousands of Palmer Raids detainees win right to meet with lawyers and attorney representation at deportation hearings. “Palmer” was Alexander Mitchell Palmer, U.S. attorney general under Woodrow Wilson. Palmer believed Communism was “eating its way into the homes of the American workman,” and Socialists were causing most of the country’s social problems. ~ Labor Tribune

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Updated: Jan. 16 (16:04)

Safe Staffing - Survey
New Mexico Hospital Workers Union
Quarterly Zoom
CWA Local 2222
IBEW Member Survey
IBEW Local 768
Bro. Matt Evans GoFundMe
IBEW Local 100
General Membership Meeting
Communications Workers of America Local 1120
APWU and USPS Agree to One-Time Retirement Incentive, 'Early Out' for Postal Workers
Youngstown, Ohio Area Local 443
News Items - October 2019
Updated On: Nov 11, 2019

The power of the Public Sector
Oct. 1, 2019 | Listen to the latest episode of the Teamster Nation Podcast and learn how Local 1932 in San Bernardino, California stood up for its 11,000 public sector members and in the process got them better health care and pay that will improve the lives of their families for years to come. 

Hoffa: 'Candidates must take our voices seriously'
Oct. 11, 2019 | The Teamsters Vote 2020 survey conducted recently by the International revealed retirement security, collective bargaining rights, and fair trade as the most important concerns of members going into the 2020 election. The survey is just the start of Teamster efforts to make sure members are heard and respected in this election and beyond. “Candidates must take our voices seriously,” said General President Hoffa today in an email to members. “We’re demanding that all of the candidates listen to our members and support our priorities. We have the power to drive the conversation and ensure that issues that affect Teamsters and working people remain at the heart of the 2020 election.” Watch President Hoffa here to find out how the union is holding candidates accountable on members’ issues. Visit this website to learn more about the Teamsters Vote 2020 Program.

Miners, Teamsters demand Senate fix multi-employer pensions
Oct. 22, 2019 | Retirees from several unions joined Democratic senators on Capitol Hill Oct. 16 to demand that the Senate act on a bill to prevent endangered multiemployer pension plans from going bankrupt. “We need you, Congress, to stop kicking the can down the road,” said retired Teamster Mike Walden of Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. Multiemployer funds covering about 1.3 million workers and retirees have either already slashed benefits or are in danger of insolvency. The House passed a bill in July that would have… 

Working Americans are raising the bar for 2020 candidates
Oct. 25, 2019 | In a column appearing in the Des Moines (Iowa) Register this week, General President Jim Hoffa wrote: “As we head toward 2020, one thing is clear: Whoever is elected president will have to confront major challenges that have a significant impact on the livelihoods of millions. For Teamsters members and working people across America, these challenges include numerous crises that threaten the existence of our diminishing middle class… Read it here.

Revamped training is needed for workers
Oct. 28, 2019 | The nation’s evolving workforce needs are cause for concern and must be mulled carefully to ensure that current and future workers have the skills they require to spur U.S. economic growth and support themselves and their families. While many focus on automation across a swath of industries, changes in the kind of work being done may be a bigger worry. That’s why the Teamsters and other unions have long called for improvements in vocational education so that hardworking Americans can succeed now and in the years ahead. This union has been doing its part to help in that effort, but can’t go it alone… Teamsters

Teamsters Local 992
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